it's quite easy: you have to use normal root account as you/ve registered while installation process or, for sure, change password settings for root, then: 1) login as root with correct password to mysql console 2) enter command SET PASSWORD FOR peter@localhost = OLD_PASSWORD('something');" BUT!: There is something strange for me: first time I entered command, it failed, and after changing database (use my_db) and entering it again everything was OK. The "mysql_connect(): Client does not.." doesn't appear. I don't know why because in PHP API mysql_select_db() is made after successfull connection...
setting printer kasir (EPSON LX300) Saya rasa banyak pengguna printer epson terutama jenis LX300, 300+, 800, dan lain-lain yang bingung atau tidak tahu bagai mana cara mengeset ukuran kertas agar bisa menggunakan kertas continues form (kertas yang nyambung terussss....) karena default ukuran kertas dari windows tidak ada seperti ukuran kerta 7x10 cm.... nah maka dari ini saya mengulas sedikit mengenai cara dari mengeset ukuran tersebut ke windows XP. step: 1. instal driver sesuai dengan jenis dari printer epson, saya menggunakan LX300 2. pastikan driver terinstall dengan sempuna alias sukses 3. masuk ke control panel 4. pilih printers and faxes 5. klik menu file (diatas pojok kiri atas) 6. klik server properties 7. tab forms 8. nah pada menu form on : bla bla bla...., klik satu ukuran semisal 10x12cm 9. kemudian check list (beri tanda centang) create new form 10. beri judul atau nama pada ukuran tersebut, saran saya beri nama sesuai dengan ukuran yang anda buat (biar lebi...
Boot your BartPE/WinPE from a USB Flash Disk Drive! Also supports USB HardDisks. PeToUSB is a GUI Win32 application that will partition, format and makebootable to XP/W2K3 a USB Flash Disk (UFD). A lot of utilities that say they can do this, actually can't. PeToUSB does not make the device DOS bootable, it makes it 'XP' bootable (ie: the bootstrap code will look for NTLDR). A lot of improvements have been made since version 2. Check the change log for details. But in short its more compatible with more devices, and easier to use with more functionality. New Features/Changes: o Rewrites the MBR code just in case its corrupted. This option can be disabled if desired. o On Removable media, the partition is completely rewritten. o Backup/Restore MBR. o View disk information. o Assign drive letters. o Automatic notification of device arrival/removal. o...
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