Make your flashdisk can booting XP? It's very easy...please read this..!!

Boot your BartPE/WinPE from a USB Flash Disk Drive! Also supports USB HardDisks.

PeToUSB is a GUI Win32 application that will partition, format and makebootable to XP/W2K3 a USB Flash Disk (UFD). A lot of utilities that say they can do this, actually can't.

PeToUSB does not make the device DOS bootable, it makes it 'XP' bootable (ie: the bootstrap code will look for NTLDR).

A lot of improvements have been made since version 2. Check the change log for details. But in short its more compatible with more devices, and easier to use with more functionality.

New Features/Changes:
o    Rewrites the MBR code just in case its corrupted.    This option can be disabled if desired.
o    On Removable media, the partition is completely rewritten.
o    Backup/Restore MBR.
o    View disk information.
o    Assign drive letters.
o    Automatic notification of device arrival/removal.
o    Now supports WinPE builds as well.

To make a UFD bootable requires it to be formatted to FAT16,  the partition set as bootable AND the volume boot sector id  to be set to 0x80. If all this is done the UFD should be  bootable on any system whose BIOS can boot to USB-HDD. Some UFDs partition tables have been set to a starting offset of 32 sectors, this will not be bootable under USB-HDD. It seems that USB-ZIP requires this, USB-HDD requires offset of 63 sectors.

If your UFD still won't boot after this type of format then either your UFD's chipset isn't capable or the BIOS on the system you are trying to boot is either set incorerectly or incapable of booting to UFD.

But PeToUSB does more than just make a UFD bootable. It will also copy all the required files from a successful BartPE build, to the UFD. The all that remains is for you to boot the stick on a system.

  1.  Build you BartPE/WinPE installation. No need to check the 'CD Record' box.
  2. Insert your USB stick into the slot.
  4. Use Tools/Backup MBR to make a backup of the disks MBR. (This can be restored later if things don't go as excpected)
  5. Remove any security options on the UFD as this will mess up any booting process.
  6. Extract PeToUSB.exe from it's zip archive and run it.
  7. First we want to select the USB stick (Destination Drive).    In the window check your USB stick has been recognised. There is a drop list containing all the detected removable disks. If you can't see it. Then click the 'Refresh' button. Make sure you select the drive that you want to use.
  8. Next we want to get the path to our PE installation. Click the [...] button and choose the path. The 'OK' on the Browse Dialog will not display until you select the correct folder. Next we want to choose our options. For the first run we need to choose:-
  9. Enable Disk Format
  10. Enable File Copy (if you are only wanting to format then leave this)
  11. Now we are ready to format the drive and copy the PE to the stick. Click 'Start' button and answer any confirmation boxes.
  12. Copying the files to a UFD takes a lot longer than to an IDE drive. So don't worry about it taking some time. Just watch the progress bar for an indication of how long it  will take.
  13. After successfully completing the above operations. Your stick is now ready to be booted on the target system.
Download program  BartPE/WinPE in this link


  1. Very useful tips, minta link nya lagi dong, yg diatas dah didelete filenya


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